Grateful for What We Have!

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, to pause with family and friends, and to enjoy the day. Sometimes it can be easy to find the things we are thankful for – a new job, addition to the family, or some other fortunate event in our life. That can be the easy part. While we reflect and consider what we are thankful for, our thoughts can wander to think about what we don’t have, what others have that we may not, and instead of focusing on what we have, we focus on what we don’t have. In the moment, we can’t change what we don’t have, and for some things, even time can’t change them.

We might want a better job, a bigger house, newer car, or some other material possession. In the moment, we can be thankful for where we are and recognize part of what we are thankful for is the drive to do better and to help others do better. There could be loved ones that left us too soon and the Holiday’s are always a tough time. While we miss them dearly, we can be grateful for the memories we have shared with them and the imprint they made on our life that makes them missed.

At Foxdale Farms, we are thankful for our family, friends, and customers. Some of our customers we never see, some it’s a passing wave, email, text, or phone call while some we have ongoing conversations about families, what’s going on in the area, or just catching up on the latest happenings. Many of our customers have become friends and we look forward to connecting with more people over the years.

This Thanksgiving, take a moment to be thankful for what we have, recognize and helps others who have less, and not focus on our wants and what we do not have.

Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Foxdale Farms to all of you!